Tuesday, August 8, 2006

My Name is Kansas and this is My Little Man Toto

Here's Lauren during one of her happier moments of the trip, prepared to strike outside of a Subway in Salina, Kansas.

There's an episode of the Simpsons in which Homer, while sobbing uncontrollably, turns to his family and says, "I can't remember the last time I cried like this!" To which Lisa replies, "Just this morning. When you put your T-shirt on backwards."

That, my friends and family, is my wife. It doesn't take much to get the old faucets running. During the past two days, I've bore witness to happy tears, sad tears, sleepy tears, hungry tears, and even the occassional it's-that-time-of-the-month tears. Trust me, you don't want to mess with those. I've seen tears set off by pictures, memories, and even a midly popular mid-1990's rock ballad. But regardless of the genesis of the momentary sadness, Lauren usually bounces right back with her typical unbridled enthusiasm. And if she doesn't, I just point out to her that unleaded gas is three-tenths of a cent cheaper wherever we are at that moment in time than it is back home. That always puts a smile on her face.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, please do not tell me that you are wearing short overalls! You haven't even been in Colorado for a day and I can already see that I am going to need to re-instill your sense of fashion. Just remember, flannel pajama bottoms are still not acceptable outerwear!
