Thursday, October 26, 2006

Blizzard: The Day After

Yup, the blizzard you all heard about on the news has come and gone, blanketing our little town in over a foot of snow. Normally, this is where I would wax poetic about the surreal scene the storm left behind, how beautiful and untainted and serene Aspen looks, and how living here is akin to inhabiting one of those sovenier-shop snowglobes. But let's be honest: it's just friggin snow. If I write 4,000 words every time it so much as flurries, this is going to get a bit redundant after a while. This is the Rockies, after all. So instead, let's all watch this gratuitous video and have a good chuckle at something undeniably funny: man's unquenchable desire to blow stuff up.


  1. Breann, you may not have a "flash" player installed that permits you to watch videos such as this. My recommendation to you is to march into your bosses office and demand that he/she immediately upgrade that glorified etch-a-sketch you call a computer.

  2. Ok...actually I'll just wait till I get home to look at it...I do not have the balls to do that!:)
